You’ve made it to the home of some of the best educational support and some of the worst puns on the whole of the web. So, please get comfy and we’ll bring you a nice cup of tea and a bourbon biscuit. Oh, what the heck, we’ll bring you two. Please try not to get crumbs on the server though, it encourages rats.
Everything you could ever want to know about Camouflaged Learning is here so simply press the buttons and we’ll guide you, like a kindly old Labrador, through what we do and how you can benefit from inviting us into your lives.
This site has been designed not only to reflect what we do but also how we do it, and we’re really hoping that reading our stuff will give you a healthy dose of our relentlessly upbeat outlook and positive demeanour. We love what we do, and we want you to love it, too.
But, for those of you with less time or who just prefer to get straight down to business, we've also created a page just for you that only contains the most essential facts and figures. You'll find a button it in the menu bar that links to it labelled 'Brief Synopsis'.
Enjoy the site, we hope to hear from you soon.
Being Brave: Resilience, Rigour and Resourcefulness.
Despite the prevalence of microwavable burritos, robot lawn-mowers and colour-fast machine-washable wool, modern life can still be pretty trying. But, that doesn't mean we shouldn't keep trying: after all, what's the point of a piping hot-burrito on a freshly-mown lawn in a cardigan that hasn't faded if you're too anxious to enjoy it?
With this in mind, over the past 6 years Camouflaged Learning have developed a bespoke suite of activities designed specifically to support and nurture the growth of resilience, rigour and resourcefulness in young people, particularly in under-confident, often over-looked, under-represented or at-risk students.
This catalogue of ingenious, diverse and devious activities can be delivered as full-day, full year group interventions, or to more refined, in-need cohorts, but- regardless of the project chosen-, the key to every activity we deliver is this: every student that enters a session, leaves crammed with confidence, capability and the capacity to do things they'd never previously considered possible. Our activities NEVER fail, and we're properly proud of that.
One such resilience-rich project is our 'TED Junior' challenge, which has to date engaged with over 11,000 hard-to-reach students, by training each and every participant to be confident enough to tackle their personal fears, but also to overcome EVERYONE'S number 1 fear- namely public speaking. But, not just normal every-day public speaking-that's nowhere near scary enough. We wanted our students to be ready for public speaking on a global stage. Literally, a global stage, whilst being watched by millions of people, as that's EXACTLY what they'd actually be doing: giving a TED talk, to millions and millions of live viewers. Sounds scary, right? Well, not for our students. And, as you can see from the links below, they all look like they were born to be there, and every one of their lives have blossomed in new and exciting directions, all as a result of spending the day being brave with us.
If you'd like to know more about what we could do to help your students be more resilient, just drop us a line. Go on, be brave.
Our Team
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Contact Us
T:0800 023 5522 M:07760178040
Camouflaged Learning HQ,
The Old Bakehouse,
Chequers Lane,
NR20 4EU.